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Lecture at Balikesir University

19.04.2024 | Our team member Nicklas Jansson had a presentation at Balikesir University about our project with focus on the beetles living in hollow oaks in Turkey, together with the master student Kerim Burak Beyge studying saproxylic beetles in monumental trees in Balikesir region.

Visit to North Macedonia

6-12.04.2024 | Our team member Nicklas Jansson visited North Macedonia for studies of oak habitats.

Träddagarna, Malmö

07.11.2023 | Our team member Nicklas Jansson made a presentation at the Swedish Tree Society yearly conference “Träddagarna” about his studies of artificial methods to gain rare beetles living in hollow trees.

Between 28 April – 2 May our team members Nicklas Jansson, Adam Bergner, Stanislav Snäll and Serdar Göktepe made a study visit to Gülnar (Mersin). The last day, the 2nd of May, a workshop was organised at Gülnar Forest Enterprise Directorate of Mersin Forest Regional Directorate with participation from WWF Turkey and Russia, Mersin Branch Office of Nature Conservation and National Parks, Eastern Mediterranean Forestry Research Institute, Isparta University of Applied Sciences, Mayor of Gülnar Municipality and representatives from the local/nomad people, but also a group of forest researcher from an international project representing six countries in Europe including Turkey.


In 4-6 of September our team member Nicklas Jansson attended the “Wood Pastures” conference in Sheffield, UK.

Nicklas Jansson presents our results from studies of beetles and birds in Turkish oaks forests.

Posters’ section with tree specialists from the organisation “Ancient Tree Forum”, Ted Green and Jill Butler.

Ted Green and Sarah Henshall from the organisation “Buglife” working with threatened in UK.


In 8-10 of June our team members Mustafa Avcı, Nicklas Jansson and Serdar Göktepe attended the 10th Symposium on the Conservation of Saproxylic Beetles in St Oswald Bavarian Forest National Park in Germany.

Left to right: Nicklas Jansson, Mustafa Avcı, Serdar Göktepe


In July 2017 a tour for taking photos of oak habitat, trees and insects in Gülnar region was made. A travel report can be found under News\Recent Activites\Study Visits

Protaetia sp. (Credit: Stanislav Snäll)


A new study of the wood living beetle fauna in Gülnar region during 2017. In the end of April window traps was set in 60 pollarded oaks. The aim with the study is to learn how important the age of the trees is for the beetle diversity. The Phd student Serdar GÖKTEPE from Mersin University will manage the study in field.


Nicklas Jansson has been participated and made a presentation  at the “International Oak Workshop” on October 18-20, 2016 in Igneada / Kirklareli / Turkey.


 An old Quercus infectoria from Edremit / Turkey – 2013


Our group was created in 2005 at Çukurova University in Adana while starting up the first beetle study of saproxylic beetles on old hollow Oaks in Mersin region.

We are a group of biologists and foresters loving old Oaks and their species richness, giving a great part of our time to study and spread knowledge about what we learn and finds. We all want to save the richness of flora and fauna of Turkish Oaks from extinction.

 Mustafa Avci and Nicklas Jansson at field work in a rainy day – Fethiye / Turkey – 2011