Bird studies…
1. In 2009 we made a study of wood peckers in Mersin region west of Gülnar. The results can be found under Result/Posters.
The woodpecker study team working in Gülnar region in 2007. From left: Nicklas Jansson, Burcu Yeşilbudak, Anton Sunnergren, Tamer Kayis and Cahit Erdem.
2. In the spring 2013 we are starting a study of the bird diversity of Turkish Oak habitats, starting in Isparta region.
Adam Bergner is counting the birds in Isparta region in 2013.
The bird species composition of oak forests in Turkey is rather unknown, and the different species’ dependence upon habitat vegetation structure definitely is. To provide Turkish foresters and biologists with important data on avian diversity of oak forest habitats, a large-scale bird-censusing project was carried out in 17 forests of Isparta region during the spring of 2013. Adam Bergner, MSc. Student in Ecology from Linköping University, Sweden, performed the surveys in cooperation with the local Forest Ministry and the Forest Faculty of Süleyman Demirel University in Isparta. Besides collecting basic data on bird species composition of oak forests in different stages of succession, an additional 17 forests comprising pine plantations were surveyed for birds in a similar manner.
Adam Bergner is taking a drill from a young oak forest in Isparta region in 2013.
This was mainly done in order to answer the question about what happens with the biological values of an old oak forest when being converted into a coniferous plantation.
Pinus brutia forest in Isparta region, 2013.
The results can also be used to manage plantations in a more sustainable way to benefit the breeding bird fauna. Using birds that, in contrast to the very diverse fauna of saproxylic beetles of old hollow oaks, are relatively well known will hopefully show that some species can be used as indicators of stable ecosystems and generally high biodiversity.
Young oak forest in Isparta region, 2013.
Old oaks from Tokmacık in Isparta region, 2013.
Young pine forest in Isparta region, 2013.
Yukarıgökdere oak area, 2013.
This is valuable knowledge that potentially can generate increased protection for old oak forests in Turkey, habitats that are currently undergoing fast degradation and conversion into coniferous plantations.
Old Pinus nigra in Isparta region, 2013.
Dendrocopos medius – Middle spotted woodpecker – Gülnar 2010 (Credit: Ogun Caglayan Turkay)
Parus major – Great tit (Credit: Ogun Caglayan Turkay)
Sitta europaea – Eurasian Nuthatch (Credit: Ogun Caglayan Turkay)
Sitta europaea – Eurasian Nuthatch (Credit: Ogun Caglayan Turkay)